Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Dear Della,

As I was getting us ready this morning, you were busy playing with your baby. This is one that you have had for awhile but have only recently begun wanting her all the time. You have replaced Bobby with this baby as your choice item to take to school to sleep with. Last night, we even talked about names for her. Angie? No. Kiki? No. Lisa? Jen? Max? No. No. No. We finally settled on Mae but that seems to have trouble sticking too. You like to call her baby.

Anyway, after we got Mae dressed this morning (as I didn't like sending her to school with you naked), you put her blankets in a bag, put the bag over your arm and announced you were ready. We were walking on the steps to go outside and the baby fell on the stairs. "Sorry", you said (or more like (sowwy) then kissed her. That is more than I get and every morning I suffer from the pain of your little feet and knees from crawling in Mama's bed.

I love you,


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