Monday, November 26, 2007


Dear Della,

For the past few months, you have liked role playing with me. "You kid and I mama," is usually how you begin. For the most of yesterday, I was the kid and I knew that because you would call for me with. "Kid.....KIIIIDDD". So, when you came into our room this morning and the roles continued I was not surprised.

At 6:12am (I know because I always look at the clock when you wake me up), Daddy brought you into bed and you announced that "I wanna tell stowy wif 2 bad guys, kid". Why would I deny you such a gift even if I was secretly begging that you would go back to sleep? "Once upon a time," is how your story began and it ended with "and they lived happily ever after". I am unsure about the middle portion partially because I was so sleepy but mostly because it was hard to follow what you were saying. I did know that the story didn't include any bad guys which I asked you about. You continued the story and it contained Feeping Beauty, Cindawewa and Awiew.

I have never heard you talking so much to us. We do hear you narrate story lines when you are playing with your toys. It actually gives us good reads on where you are and what you are up to because your voice carries so well as it usually goes up several octaves but am never able to understand what you are actually saying.

Anyway, thanks for the stories this morning. I hope to hear more of them.

I l0ve you,


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