Saturday, March 24, 2007

biker babe

Dear Della,

A common theme has begun to develop from the latest entries. You are growing up, learning all kinds of new things and are some much fun to be with!

The other night you decided it was time to take the trike Uncle Omie and Aunt Gwynne gave you for Christmas for a spin outside. Of course, you had to be properly attired. You put on your tennis shoes, Elmo vest and your pink sun hat.

I took the trike out to the sidewalk. You mounted it from the back steps and straddled hopped on the seat as if it was a horse and you were off! You were steering and pedaling like you had been doing it for a year! I couldn't believe it since we had never been out before with you actually powering the trike on your own.

We went around the whole block and while we went along you repeating said, "Go LELLA!" and "Top LELLA". I felt this incredible surge of pride and love for witnessing such a leap in your development! You even rode down the hill without falling or getting scared. Of course, I was RIGHT next to you ready to catch if you fell.

Dada got to go with you the next night and I am sure we will be spending the summer on an ever widening circumference of the house.

I love you,


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