Saturday, March 24, 2007

recent photos and della quips

Dear Della,

I haven't been posting as often as I would like to but thought I would put some pictures in from the last month.
Pacific City with the Baldwin Clan

Bobby and Della

Reading with Drew and Rowen (Michael's other) in Sunriver

Beatin' the drum with Marlee

Sledding with Sophie

Twirling and twirling and twirling

You really are a girl through and through!

A resemblance to Mama as a little girl

You have started calling me Mommy lately as well as Mama. Sometimes you change it to "My me".

You now add the word "eux" (like french deux) to the end of your phrases. Like, Lella eux or gow gow eux. Dada and I have not figured it out yet.

For awhile you have been "helping" us with Pookie by telling her "down" or using the "tss tss" like we do. Usually, you just do it even if Pookie is not doing anything wrong. Well, the other day we were at the park with Marlee and sliding on the slide. A little girl came up and started to play on the slide too. You responded with a prompt "tss tss". I guess you didn't want to share with her!

You have started letting me put pig tails in your hair. You no longer say, "Ow Mama, out". This is all thanks to your teacher Keely. Thanks Keely! You look so cute with them and it helps us look at your beautiful face!

I love you,


biker babe

Dear Della,

A common theme has begun to develop from the latest entries. You are growing up, learning all kinds of new things and are some much fun to be with!

The other night you decided it was time to take the trike Uncle Omie and Aunt Gwynne gave you for Christmas for a spin outside. Of course, you had to be properly attired. You put on your tennis shoes, Elmo vest and your pink sun hat.

I took the trike out to the sidewalk. You mounted it from the back steps and straddled hopped on the seat as if it was a horse and you were off! You were steering and pedaling like you had been doing it for a year! I couldn't believe it since we had never been out before with you actually powering the trike on your own.

We went around the whole block and while we went along you repeating said, "Go LELLA!" and "Top LELLA". I felt this incredible surge of pride and love for witnessing such a leap in your development! You even rode down the hill without falling or getting scared. Of course, I was RIGHT next to you ready to catch if you fell.

Dada got to go with you the next night and I am sure we will be spending the summer on an ever widening circumference of the house.

I love you,


Monday, March 19, 2007

the conversion

Dear Della,

Saturday morning Dada and I woke up to you normal babble in your crib. We waited, as we always do, for the inevitable, "Mama, Mama, Mama?....Dada, Dada, Dada?". At which time, Dada goes in to get you (or forces you to get up 'cause lately you only want me to greet you in the morning).

We didn't hear your call so we just kept trying to sleep. The next thing we knew, you were in our bedroom! "How did she do that?", we asked each other. We didn't hear any load thuds. I asked you about it later, and you showed me with your hands. But, it still didn't shed any light on the situation.

We decided it was time for the conversion to the toddler bed. Actually, Dada and I talked about it, but in my mind, we hadn't actually made the decision. I woke up Sunday morning to Dada saying to you, "Are you ready for a big girl bed?". I got out of bed quickly at that point because I wasn't going to miss this experience and I wasn't quite sure I was emotionally ready for it. Is it okay to delay your child's growth and maturity to save your own feelings?

After some technical issues and the old piece from the crib falling down on your head (you pulled onto yourself), we were in business. You were so happy to be able to crawl in and out of the bed that all my issues faded away.

The transition has been so smooth! You have had no trouble going to sleep or getting up in the middle of the night. In fact, you have been sleeping in until 7:00am every day and even once until 8a! I love it! Dada and I think it has to do with the fact that you are now in charge of getting out bed. Who knows though?
We haven't quite figured out the morning routine yet as you seem unsure about where to go once you get up. We will keep working on that as I am not ready to give up our snuggle time in the mornings!

I love you,


Friday, March 16, 2007

growed up gow gow

Dear Della,

We put a box in front of your kitchen so that you could reach the microwave and the freezer easily. With that, you discovered that you could climb up and over the kitchen and hang out in the window sill. While that is cute, I wouldn't be a good mom if I just let you go around climbing on everything, right? I discovered you could do that when I heard the video tapes that are hidden back there being flung to the ground. We had a discussion about it being unsafe, etc. I thought to myself how we have entered a stage in your life that is more challenging.

Later, we had a tea party with the lady bug tea set Grammy gave you before you were born. You laid out the tablecloth and set out all four plates and tea cups. Each setting then got a knife, fork and sometimes another fork. I would ask you put down a spoon and you would. You also poured each one some tea and we drank from the cups.

Dada had a spot, Mama had a spot, Lella had a spot and...Dada had a spot. I asked if Dada had 2 spots and you replied that it was Mama's. I said I have one already. Is it for Bobby? Yes. Bobby is Michael and your new doll Grammy gave you for your 2nd birthday (Lella nine, you respond now when I say that). I enjoyed watching how much you understood the concept of a tea party at such a young age. I also noted the 2 extremes of the evenings events, climbing and a tea party as a part of being two.

We then had dinner which was leftovers of thai chicken with peppers and carrots. While making dinner, you saw the green olives and ate one of those proudly. During dinner, you threw a carrot on the floor and said "Gow gow". I thought you just wanted to give it to Henry who is always lurking around you at dinner time. Then, you got down from the chair and were on all fours trying to eat the carrot off the floor. Like a gow gow. When you couldn't quite get it in your mouth, you laid flat with your legs out like a frog and ate it. You crawled off to your room saying, "GOW, GOW".

What an eventful night, Della. I had to take extra care to remember all of those items because my mind loses them so easily and I just have to write them down. Most days are filled with these types of incidents now, and I enjoy them all. Except for the barf last night. That wasn't fun.

I love you my little 2 year old,
