Dear Della,
I haven't been posting as often as I would like to but thought I would put some pictures in from the last month.
Pacific City with the Baldwin Clan
Bobby and Della

Beatin' the drum with Marlee
Sledding with Sophie
Twirling and twirling and twirling
You really are a girl through and through!
A resemblance to Mama as a little girl
You have started calling me Mommy lately as well as Mama. Sometimes you change it to "My me".
You now add the word "eux" (like french deux) to the end of your phrases. Like, Lella eux or gow gow eux. Dada and I have not figured it out yet.
For awhile you have been "helping" us with Pookie by telling her "down" or using the "tss tss" like we do. Usually, you just do it even if Pookie is not doing anything wrong. Well, the other day we were at the park with Marlee and sliding on the slide. A little girl came up and started to play on the slide too. You responded with a prompt "tss tss". I guess you didn't want to share with her!
You have started letting me put pig tails in your hair. You no longer say, "Ow Mama, out". This is all thanks to your teacher Keely. Thanks Keely! You look so cute with them and it helps us look at your beautiful face!
I love you,