Monday, May 19, 2008

a day in the life

Dear Della,

So , right after I put you to bed tonight, I expected to sit down to jot out a quick letter to you about the several funny things you did tonight. It was way layed by the fact that I tried to turn on the TV to have a little background action while I wrote to you and the volume didn't come on the set. Fast forward twenty five minutes later and here I sit. Tired.

You sat on my lap tonight while at dinner and made a grumpy face out of the blue. While looking at a flower on the table. "What", I asked and you. "I am angy at you for breaking my delphinum."

The other day, while at Portland Nursery, you picked out a pretty blue Delphinium that we planted. I rolled up the hose that we had used to fill your pool but did it the lazy way. Over the top of the plants instead of around. If it had been you doing this, I would have been upset. But, I was tired and in a hurry. Of course, it broke of the flowering stock. I apologized to you and put it in a glass on the dining room table. You are still peeved.

I love you,


PS - I just finished this post today, 6/6/08, as I guess I was too tired to finish it the night I started. Yesterday, you saw that your Delphinium has some new buds on it. Just like I tried to explain to you that it would but to no avail. You just kept asking, "Why?". Because of gravity, Della. (Thanks Scott)