Monday, December 18, 2006

2 going on 12

Dear Della-

I thought it would be awhile before I was saying the phrase "you are 5 going on 30". But, here we are and you are not even 2!

As a background, you get to spend time alone in your room when you choose not to listen to me or Dada. We let you stay in there with the door closed for 1 minute then we go in to discuss why that happened and that we love you. Civilized right? Well, you have started going in your room on your own whenever we inform you that you shouldn't be doing this or that (DB speak-dis or dat).

When you first starting doing this, we thought you were putting yourself in timeout. However, it has evolved now where you don't just walk casually into the room. You kind of storm in there and SLAM the door behind you like you cannot bear to hear us speaking to you anymore. You need to be ALONE!

The funny part is once you are in there with the door shut, you can't get out. So, after a couple of minutes, we hear "Mama" and knocking on the door. We then come to rescue from your self imposed imprisonment.



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