Monday, February 26, 2007

the orange peeler

Dear Della,
From about the time your started on solids (around 7 months), you have loved clementine oranges. We use to cut each segment in half trying to prevent you from choking. Though one time you did appear to choke while in your high chair and I had you out with your chest on my thigh and pounding on your back in .75 seconds. In hind sight, I am not sure if you were really choking, but nonetheless, it scared me.
You always asked for oranges using the sign (see picture) but have not been as interested in them for the past couple months.
I bought some clementines the other day and when you saw them, you anxiously pointed at them. You asked for one like you do most things when you don't know the word, "uuh, uuh, uuh". So, we sat down together so that I could peel it for you. You began to help me with it and eventually took over the whole job. How cute is that? You are now old enough to peel your own oranges! Then, I discovered that is all you wanted to do. You began to rip off each segment and stuff it in my mouth. Repeatedly. I didn't know that I wanted 5 segments in my mouth at once. Apparently, I did.

Your love of oranges was replaced with apples (eaten whole and the skin bitten off and put in my hand or a bowl) but now has been replaced by strawberries. Last week, you saw a picture of some strawberries in a book and kept pointing at them. "Uuh, uuh, uuh. Lella, Lella, Lella." I don't recall you liking strawberries too much so I don't buy them. I am not sure where the interest came from. We have some now and that is mostly what you want to eat. That and "O", of course.

Since I don't really like giving you positive reinforcement for your grunting, I looked up the sign for strawberries last night. Here it is:

You picked up on it like a pro and have used it very frequently. I hesitate to give you too many because everyone knows what fruit does to number two. When you use to eat oranges all the time, you would get diaper rash which actually looked more like a sun burn all over your bottom. Too much acid I guess.

But, speaking of number two, this morning we had an interesting incident with it. You have been using the potty a lot and like to go into the bathroom, take your diaper off and use the potty. You have gotten very good at it. This time, I heard you go in there and call for me. So, I went in and found you in your room standing on the rug. Naked. With poop falling to the ground.

"Yuck", you said. I did too. Good thing for sanitizing wipes.

I love you (even if you poop on the floor),


1 comment:

jen* said...

I love the photos of baby signs...the man looks just this side of scary! Has Della tried kumquats?! I can picture your mouth full of 5 sections of Clementines. I bet your eyes were sparkly and smiling!