Thursday, July 05, 2007

mass update

Dear Della,

It has been awhile since I have written down what you have been up too or shown you all the cool pictures we take of you! So, here is an update of the last month or so which has consisted of you learning to talk A LOT and speaking sentences! It is so entertaining for Daddy and I to hear what comes out of your mouth and how much you repeat what we say.

The Tough Gardner

Granny made you this tutu which you think is pretty cool. She always creates the neatest things for you.

Here you are helping Daddy wash the canoe that has about 2 years worth of dirt and moss as have not used it since I was pregnant with you. We all took it out on the Columbia Slough. I think you had a good time. I knew that you felt comfortable in it when you announced you had to go pee. I frantically looked around at the options, on a towel, in my water bottle, over the side. It had to be over the side. So, I hung your bottom over the side while Daddy counter balanced the canoe. You peed like you'd been sailing for years. We were praising you when we heard a plop. I guess it was fitting for you to add poop to the already questionable water.

Summer Mornings

You and I rode my bike up to breakfast alone last Sunday. On the way back, I sang "Miss Merry Mack" to you. By then end of that day, you had memorized the end of each line. I would sing, "Miss Merry..." and you sung "Mack, Mack". You can do all 3 verses without help from me. You typically speed up the last verse with, "sky, sky, sky, LY, LY, LY" without waiting for me. LY is short for July. Your memory amazes me.
We went to the coast over a weekend to see Gnomie (Omar) clean the tanks at the aquarium. While we were waiting, we enjoyed all the sea life.

Not that it matters, but it appears you are mimicking the fish here. We think you are actually checking out the view above you.

After much anticipation, Gnomie finally got in the tank. You were so excited to see him. Let's face it though, I was excited for you. As Omie pointed out, my face was just as elated to see you as yours. Note the reflection of my face in the glass in this picture. Gnomie put his hand up to the glass while you reached out to meet it. Very sweet. You love your Uncle Gnomie.

7 Girls on a Couch

After Newport, we went to Mark and Sarah's for the night. The house was full of girls. Seven of them to be exact. Here you are transfixed by a movie. I think it was a scary part as you were looking to Marlee for comfort. Or were you comforting her?

Your latest love is coloring. You have a couple of books and some crayons and pens. You much prefer the pens to crayons but lets face it, I don't. It is a good thing they are washable though. We got one coloring book at the beach and is larger than the others. Even if you start with another, you generally end with the beach book. It is has several layers of crayon and now pen ink that it is very difficult to see the original image. That fact does not stop you from adding to the layers though.

I had you coloring in the kitchen with me while I did the dishes. You wanted to color with the pens which was fine with me as I could keep on eye on your wild hand that wields random color many places other than paper. The pens kept rolling away from you on our not so level floor. I suggested we put "those bad boys in a cup". You picked up on that phrase in a snap. Every time you get the pens out to color now you need a "cup for da bad boys".

Ultimate Empathy

This past month has also been marked by your empathy for others in your life. Specifically your dolls, animals and your cats. We have been taking Henry to the vet a lot recently and you usually go. This time you watch me as I wrestled Henry into his cage and tried to calm him. I put him in the car next to you and you patted his cage as we drove saying, "I know, Henny, I know".

Once we got there, you went straight for the old fashion desk to color. You were right next to another woman waiting with her cat. You announced, unbeknown to her, that "ma cat is bwack". I translated that to the women for you. After awhile you said, "Ma Goopie is white". I had never seen you chit chat with a stranger before. After we got home your tried out Henry's cage.

Ma fwiends

On weekday mornings, you usually sit on the counter while I get my coffee and make your toast. The other day you announced, "I want ma fwiends". "Who", I asked. "Tiki guy and honey beaw". Now, you do it every time and you try to chug the honey straight from the bear. Instead, I give it to you in a teaspoon. Much more civilized, especially when your are sitting on the counter in the nude.

Daddy has been working on a "twee house" for you. He almost has it done and you LOVE it. I am still paranoid that you will fall. Especially on the slide which takes you from 0-50 mph in 6 feet.

Slide Angel

Your potty training has gone EXTREMELY well. I cannot believe I have not written to you at all about your trials in learning to use the toilet. The first couple of weeks were rough and I questioned your teacher as to whether you were really ready. You were really helpful in taking off your diaper in the bathroom and throwing it away. Unfortunately, sometimes in had poop in it which fell on the floor while you threw it away.

While we were in Mexico, you had no problems using strange, unsanitary bathrooms or sitting on the toilet without a small seat. Since you were nude most of the trip, using the bathroom outside was also convenient. Daddy showed you a spot in the yard that you consistently used. It wasn't so handy though when you had to go number 2. A similar incident happened while we were eating dinner at a beach front restaurant. You were in the sand with Daddy and let loose with a dook when Daddy thought you were just gonna pee. Good thing it wasn't crowded!

The practice of peeing outside continued when we came home. The only problem with this is you wear more clothes in the NW than in Mexico. So, when you decide to let her rip, your pants get in the way when you forget to take them down. You have since corrected this error and generally just run to the bathroom.

End of an Era

You now use the big toilet exclusively generally with the little seat. You push your elephant stool over to the toilet, put the seat on and climb up. Your Daddy finds this very cute. You also like to keep your underwear around your knees. Not around your ankles as you make that very to clear to me. We have not gotten rid of your changing pad, diaper pail and little potty. I cannot believe that it went so easy. You are still in a diaper at nap time and at bed but I am sure that will fade away as well.

Your teacher told me the other day that you are slated to go to preschool in September with the other girls your age, ViVi, Amelie and Sydney. This is a little early but you all potty trained before kids that are older than you. We are a little concerned about your verbal skills, but if you maintain the same trajectory that you are currently on, your teacher thinks you will be ready!

Where does the time go? Papa Dorn once told that having a child just keeps getting better. It is so true. While I mourn the passing of your baby stage, I have so much fun with you now and know that it will only continue.

I love you,


PS-Sorry for the long winded letter. I have so much to document about you and so little time to type it.

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