Friday, June 27, 2008


Dear Della,

This morning on the way into school you were BERY hungy. "What do you have for me?", you inquired. "Goldfiss, almonds, raisins, milk?", you continued. I gave you some goldfish but mentioned that we should save the rest until after school as you are always hungry then. I also added that they should be having snack when we get to school and you could eat then. That didn't seem to pacify you.

Once we got to school, the other kids were eating bagels and cream cheese. I pointed it out to you, but you immediately turned your nose up at that and ran off to play.

I heard you talking to Kennedy and mentioning how you both have flowers on. I went over there to say goodbye to you. Here is what you said:

"Kennedy, Kennedy, meet my mom." You gestured with your hands just like adults do and made it seem like a true introduction.
"Here is Cailan. He is so funny."

I love you and the entertaining way you speak,


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