Friday, August 08, 2008

what else?

Dear Della,

Yesterday, we had a fun afternoon on Uncle Benny's boat on Lacamas Lake. I don't think you really knew what to expect when I told you where we were going.

Once we were all in the boat with pfd's on the kids, we went puttering away from the dock. Then, Uncle Benny opened it up and you started screaming. With joy! You were so happy to be going fast. You asked for your sunglasses. Once you had them on, you sat in the chair smiling, shaking your hair a little in the wind and screaming. " THIS IS SO MUCH FUNNNNN!", you yelled.

You weren't as excited when we stopped and through the anchors down as you liked "going fast". But, Aunt Jen inflated the "Island Oasis" which is a hug raft that has a section cut out and a net at the bottom for little people to swim in it. You played on that and in the lake with me and on the ladder at the back of the boat. You cried for awhile "acuz my wife jacket is toooo tiiiggghhht". But, my operation Ignore It worked out well and you stopped.

It was very relaxing, and I was able to enjoy playing with cousin Sammy as well. When we got back, Ben treated us to dinner at the Moose Lodge. It was too bad that I forgot my camera though.

Here is an excerpt from our conversation on the way home:

"Why we onwy do two fings today?"

"What do you mean?"

"We onwy go on the boat an' go to dinnaw. Why"?

I love you,


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