Monday, October 30, 2006


Dear Della-

It is Halloween season and you have not begun to fully grasp what this means. I have shown you the house up the street that maniacally decorates their yard but you were only moderately interested which is fine with me.

Last year, you we dressed you up like a monkey which went over very well. My coworkers coined you Drunkey Monkey. This year Dad decided to have you be a Hobo. I was sceptical at first but supportive. We found clothes for you at Value Village some of which you will continue to wear even after the festivities. Who knew that I would find such cute bargains?

On Friday, Dad's office held trick-or-treating for the employees children. I picked you up early from daycare then went over to see Dad. Got you dressed in your overalls, complete with hand sewn patches, a flannel shirt, a hat from the JLo collection and your boots. We put some makeup on your face to give you that unshaven look and Dad even got you carnations to wear. Dad also painstakingly cut a branch off the maple tree, sanded down the knots and ends to protect you from yourself and put on a bandanna at the end to hold your stuff. Just so you know what a great Dad you have, he even dressed up like a Hobo himself. Whatta guy.

You had fun going from office to office with your friends, Sophie and Marlee. Sophie showed you how to pick the candy and you picked up on it quickly. You liked to choose just the right one and put in your bucket that I got from a kid's meal at Jack in the Box. Classy, I know.

I think you enjoyed the stairs at the office just as much as the candy gettin' just to put it in perspective for you. I know that next year and each consecutive year will bring more excitement to this holiday. For now, I am just happy that you have not figured out what "candy" really means to a kid. Your dad and I know the power candy holds, as do our friends, since none of your candy made it through the weekend.


1 comment:

Mommy said...

Miss Della,

I do believe you may be the cutest little hobo I have ever seen! Your parents are so creative and clever - you are very fortunate to have them! I especially love that you are not smiling in the photo, as if the hobo life is so difficult you just can't bear a smile for the camera. Way to go acting the part!

I love you Sweetie.
Aunt Phae