Tuesday, October 24, 2006

sleepin' together ain't all it is cracked up to be

Dear Della-

Last night, at about 3a, you woke up crying and calling out, "Mama?, Dada?" which, in it self, is not abnormal behavior for you. You usually wake up in the middle of the night wanting reassurance about once a week. We tried calling back to you with, "it is still ni-night, Della", but to no avail. Dad got up and did whatever it is that he does while I went back to sleep.

Some time later (time loses reality at 3a), you really let us know you were unhappy and seeing how it was my turn, I managed my way to your room. I picked you up to find your whole front wet so I changed your diaper and clothes in the dark. You pointed repeatedly to our room which I interpreted to mean you wanted to sleep with us. After justifying it with you by saying that you couldn't sleep on wet sheets, off we went. I thought it would be nice to have your warm body sleeping next to me.

The reality was that you insisted on sleeping on my belly but could never find a good position. Down, up, turn your head, nose right next to my neck, flip around, none of it worked. After, I am guessing, about 1/2 hour, I assume you finally went to sleep because we woke up at about 7a which felt pretty good. But, I hope we are not doing it again anytime soon. I love the idea of sleeping next to you but it is not good for any of us. Besides, this is how you looked after waking up this morning.

Actually, it was crazy hair at at school today...


PS-We had fun carving the pumpkin with you tonight and appreciated your help trying to clean it out with the spoon.

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